Professional and social commitment

At Qualitas Funds we believe that integrating ESG factors in our investment process contributes to improving risk management, which in the long term enhances the return on our investments.

We manage our clients’ capital responsibly, generating positive social impact and greater long-term financial returns.

Our ESG policy is based on the principles defined by UN PRI (United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment).

Our ESG journey

Qualitas Funds’ commitment to ESG is continuously improving


Definition of and exclusion list aligned with our principles.


Qualitas Equity Funds SGEIC S.A. signs the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment.


Development of Qualitas Founds’ responsible investment policy.


Development of governance and exclusion policies.


  • First statement about UN SDG’s aligment.
  • Launch of and ESG survey to GPs.
  • Publication of the first UN PRI Transparency Report.


  • Qualitas Funds adapts to EU SFDR regulations.
  • Qualitas Funds V registers as an article 8 fund under SFDR.
  • Development of an internal ESG scoring.
  • Publication of first ESG report.
  • Becomes a TCFD supporter.


  • Celebration of the first ESG Townhall with the team.
  • Pioneering participation in the 1st edition of the Pro Bono Capital Pivado program.
  • Updates responsible investment practices.
  • Evolution of ESG engagement practices with underlying GPs.

Our commitments

We strive to offer our investors attractive returns with a deep sense of professional and social commitment.

Relationships that lead the way

We are committed to a strategy of continuous dialogue with our underlying GPs that serves and acts as a guide to promote the integration of ESG factors in private equity entities.

Active monitoring

We monitor our investments by applying an ESG scoring methodology in our investment process, a subjective analysis and the measurement of the contribution to the SDGs and ESG KPIs. With these actions we aspire to improve corporate governance and generate value in the portfolio companies.

Committed to the planet

We take the planet’s environmental challenges very seriously. For this reason we are signatories of the Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and we incorporate their recommendations throughout the investment process.

Sustainability Disclosures

QUALITAS EQUITY FUNDS, SGEIC, S.A., is subject to Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 on the disclosure of information relating to sustainability in the financial services sector.

General disclosure obligations at manager level

General disclosure obligations at manager level

Information relating to financial products that promote environmental or social characteristics

Information relating to financial products that promote environmental or social characteristics

Principal adverse impacts

Qualitas Funds is unable to consider the principal adverse impact on the sustainability factors (PAIs) of its investment decisions in accordance with Article 4.1 of the Regulation at this stage. This is due to the lack of necessary information from its underlying funds. However, in its interactions with the managers of the underlying funds, Qualitas Funds actively engages in promoting the calculation of PAIs and the analysis of other adverse events that do not align with PIAs through engagement processes, policies and activities. As the underlying funds begin to report PAIs, Qualitas Funds will be able to report them.

ESG in our operations

In a world looking towards sustainability, Qualitas Funds’ commitment to ESG is a powerful tool for change

Collaborations with foundations

At Qualitas Funds we firmly believe that education is the way to reduce inequalities. This is why we participate in the Soñar Despierto foundation’s scholarship program, providing scholarships to teenagers recently dismissed from shelters so that they can continue their studies after they turn 18.

Soñar Despierto
We annually support the foundation Soñar Despierto which has been collaborating with shelters for more than a decade to ensure that all minors in foster care have the same opportunities as other children of their age, regardless of their circumstances.

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Timpers ProBono initiative

Qualitas Funds participates in the Pro Bono Private Capitalinitiative, a program whose mission is to channel specialised intellectual capital from private equity players to social impact projects through pro bono hours.

Timpers specializes in the design and online sale of sneakers, standing out for its strong social focus that involves blind people in the design process and hires employees with disabilities to promote integration. Our mission was to accompany them in different steps of the business and help them make their model financially sustainable.

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Social inclusion opportunities

At Qualitas Funds we believe that inclusion is a key pillar in our society. For this reason, we encourage the integration of initiatives that aim to promote skills and experiences that enrich human experiences inside and outside the work environment.

In the events we host we like hiring providers who have a positive impact. For instance, we engaged Lakook, a social and sustainable catering service, which contributes to the social and professional integration of refugees through cooking and catering. At our last annual general meeting we had the perfect opportunity to raise awareness of this initiative.

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